
It is such that we live experiencing love, as to spite love would be to resent living. Even at the endurance of it’s sehnsucht.

‘Sunlit Places’ (portrait) and ‘Domi’s Balcony’ (Landscape), woodblock prints 2021

Within the creation of this collection I explored the most intense, and emotional experiences of the year. The complicated connections shared between friends, the intricacies of having a partner whilst experiencing deep grief and loss. The emotional turmoil of a parent suffering through an intense life altering diagnosis whilst experiencing same said loss.

The visual imagery explores place. 

Places and moments where the memories are kept, merging together as love and loss bring them back to the surface. I wanted to explore the idea of losing yourself within memories as they merge with almost dizzying clarity.

There is a unique experience that comes from understanding and having a similar relationship with your mum as she does with hers, to then watch her suffer the loss of them. It becomes a mirror; you view your own emotions crystal clearly within them, as they continue to sink within.


There is a distinct beauty in the people inspiring the work, taking physical part in it’s creation.

Degree show exhibition

Installation ‘Sehnsucht’ at Falmouth University, 2021

I wanted to intergrate all these elements that would stimulate warmth, nostalgia and a sense of home and/ or comfort. I wanted to create a space that felt like you were walking into an abstracted hall of memories, with all elements represented. This is why I used the woodcut blocks to project the film onto, through the process of printing layers of ink had slowly ingrained themselves into the wood grain. I delicately inked them up again in white ink, and all those layers of ink could still be seen in all the carved areas. Since the white ink would allow the projected image to partially show up, I knew I wanted to incorperate that into the final exhibition piece. Its almost as if you can see the whole process in the pieces of wood, to have it surrounded by all the elements that were born from it felt really special.

Click here to watch the short film ‘Reflections’ made as part of this collection

In the carefully planned and delicately captured memories and moments, it had carved its very own and held them within itself. 

For any inquiries regarding the work, and or its pricing please visit my contact me page.